[picture of me]

History of Computer and Video Games (1 credit)

Teacher: Petri Kuittinen

Dates: Fridays 13:15-17:00, 7.3.2003, 14.3.2003, 28.3.2003, 25.4.2003., 2.5.2003

Course description:

The course provides an archeological view to world of computer and video games from the earliest experiments to current date, including all major game genres and platforms. It concentrates on the introductions of new concepts, important persons, design methods, technological breaktroughs and biggest commercial hits.

Participating 80% of lectures and doing the case study is compulsory for passing the course.

Case Study

Case study is an analysis and review of single game of historical importance or several related games. The subject is given by the teacher, but own subjects are also OK if approved by the teacher.

Case study is done in groups of two students or on your own. The result is some sort of electronic document (preferably a WWW page or PDF document with links to futher information or medias, such as video and audio files). Typical length is few pages of texts (or about 1000 words), but it can be longer. The case study should point out the roots of the game, compare the game with the similar games, analyze game's historical importance, provide information about the authors of the game and address the good and bad points of the game. Reserve your time and subject for case study by sending email to teacher.

The results are also presented in front of the class. The length of the presentation is 20-30 minutes.


Year 2001 course


Net links

The Dot Eaters - Classic Video Game History
Google's Directory Index for History of Video Games
The Penny Arcade Website - flipperien historia

Petri Kuittinen <eye@iki.fi>
Last modified: Thu Mar 6 12:55:04 EET 2003