
October 01, 2004

Art scene in Leijonakaupunki


If you thought that this is from Leijonakaupunki, think again.. Where the artist could come from? Well.. Not Lithuanian, not Finnish.. Think... Well, not that it would really matter. He's German. Its Jim Avignon (the name certainly sounds French..) Not that I'd be super excited about his work (althogh it is pleasant for the eye), but this painting really touched my heart...

Why? Yesterday I went for 'informal' job interview to Temasek Polytechnic and it appeared that they may be looking for someone just like me... It was the first time in a job interview that I didn't have to hide or downplay the things that I've been working on few last years, they seemed to recognize, understand and agree with most of the stuff.. In fact, I don't really want to talk about it, you know, "cool today, cold tomorrow".. Makes you think. So, I'll tell you more once something more happens.


Otherwise, I've been exploring the arts scene here - there's a Creative Spaces event happening right now, where some German artists that do 'art-in-between' are mingling with the local art students and have shows every night. Yesterday I went to a show by a flip-book artist and there was one where a woman flashed her breasts in front of camera, I'm pretty sure it was illegal and he could have faced problems if they would have discovered this flip-book on the border. People just giggled.

Tonight I plan to go to an arts event where "Jogjakarta artists Venzha and The House of Natural Fiber will generate soundscapes through electromagnetic waves while tatooing their bodies". No kidding. Straight quote from the paper! That kind of art really crosses the borders... I'm very curious.


Posted by gkligyte at October 1, 2004 04:54 PM
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