University of Art and Design Helsinki

Media Lab



Marjo Mäenpää
Tarja Toikka

Anna Kulmala


Previous 2002 Media management -course

Previous 2002: Johdanto html -kurssi HKKK





25070 Media Management

Media Management & project management strategies
(with HKKK II Verkkoviestintä) (15 + 15 students)

This course is a part of common studies with Helsinki school of economics,
2:nd module: Producing a digital media project

Verkkoviestinnän opintokokonaisuus: II Verkkoprojektiin tuottaminen
Taideteollinen korkeakoulu, Medialaboratorio
Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulu, Markkinointiviestinnän laitos

target group: MA in New Media (obl), NMM minors, HKKK
credits: 2
term: Fall03
preliminary dates: 13.10.-8.12.2003 (Mon 9-12)
Anna Kulmala, HKKK,
Outi Rönn, Nokia,
Marjo Mäenpää, Mlab
Tarja Toikka, Mlab
+ visitors

Content description: The course in media management focuses on different aspects of new media management:
- rights, law & regulations in digital media production
- production & management for web-projects and interactive media
- web business strategies (corporate, small and medium-sized companies) and development
During the lectures students from Media Lab and Helsinki School of Economics will prepare together a team based exercise: Each team will prepare an answer to a bid of web or multimedia project. In the on offers teams will produce a short project plan with a mission, recourses, timetables and budgets. The results will be published on the net. The presentation of the team works and feedback will be given on 1rd and 7th of December 2003.
course language: Finnish

